We’ll send you a confirmation email before the check-in date with all the details you need for your stay. If the hotel provides additional check-in instructions, we’ll let you know by email as soon as we get them.
Find your hotel information
To find information about your hotel, on the TravelPerk mobile app or our website, go to the Trips tab and select your hotel booking. You can find the following information:
- the property address
- the property contact number and email address
- check-in window and front desk operating hours
- required documents and check-in instructions
You can also find all the information you need to check into your hotel on the confirmation email for your trip.
Paying on arrival
Most stays are paid for before you arrive. If the property doesn't take payment before your arrival, we'll email you payment instructions. The instructions will also be available in the TravelPerk mobile app.
For more information, see Paying for your stay with a virtual credit card.