To book a train with a discount card on the mobile app, you'll first need to save your discount card on your TravelPerk profile.
This can only be done on the TravelPerk website and not the mobile app.
Adding a discount card to your profile
- On the TravelPerk website, go to Your profile and then Train discount cards
- In the top right corner of the TravelPerk website, click your profile picture
- Select Your profile
- Under Train discount cards, click Add a discount card
- Type or select your discount card from the list
- Enter your discount card details
- Click Save card
Book a train with a discount card on the mobile app
- Go to the Book tab and select Trains
- Enter the date, destination and travelers for your trip
- Press the traveler's name
- Press Add discount card and select the discount card you want to use
- Return to your search and press Search trains