- Only Admins can use this feature
This feature is currently in BETA testing.
To make it easier for you to set up and manage travelers on your account, we've introduced bulk updates for the following travelers' processes and policies:
- Companys
- Cost centers
- Approval processes
- Travel policies
- Invitations - resend or revoke
This means you can make changes to multiple travelers at the same time without having to use a CSV or contacting your Account Manager.
Bulk updates travelers' processes and policies
To bulk update travelers' processes and policies, follow these steps:
- Go to the People page
- Use the filters or search to find the people you want to update
- Tick the box next to the people you want to update
- Click Edit and select Company, Cost center, Approval process or Travel policy
- Select the company, cost center, approval process or travel policy you want to add them to
- Review the details of the process or policy and click Save
For companys, cost center and travel policies the selected travelers will automatically be removed from the original one and added to the new one.
For approval processes, if the traveler is assigned to one approval process, they'll be removed from the original process and added to the new one. If the traveler is assigned to 2 or more processes, they'll be added to the new one and remain in the others.
Bulk resend and revoke invitations
You can resend invitations in bulk or revoke them so the email link won't work anymore.
To bulk resend and revoke invitations, follow these steps:
- Go to the People page
- Select the Invited tab
- Select the people you want to resend or revoke the invitations for
- Click Resend invitation to or Revoke invitation